
Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Childcare Tax Allowance

Online Parliamentary Information Office: If you are paying 90% of your income in tax you either need to fiind yourself an accountant or stop peddling misinformation.

Modern welfare began with the 1906 People's Budget.

Online Parliamentary Information Office: Is a social model in which a couple, only one of which is working, entirely support the production of the next generation of children, not then desirable?

This has been undermined by successive bouts of Left-wing thinking which have de-recognised marriage,  defused illegitimacy, and removed any kind of social stigma from unsupported child production.

We have taught people to live to the full extent of two incomes or - as a man was bleating on the news yesterday - to spend every penny of a 60K income AND child benefit, thus screaming at the removal of the latter.

There are people earning 10K in work raising families.  That we have allowed our welfare system to so skew who receives help - rather than just to alleviate genuine in-work hardship when earnings are low but the jobs would not be viable if they paid more - is quite shameful.

Online useful parliamentary information office and parliamentary yearbook

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