parliamentary information office
Everybody seems to miss the obvious: this is a win for David Cameron! No, this is not a nonsensical statement: thanks to this vote, he can now go to Brussels and say 'I tried, but the UK Parliament did not agree!', exactly what he wanted to happen. Remember: no three line whip for this vote, oh no, just a tepid equivalent of 'we would like you to vote with the Government'.
parliamentary information office
There are so many cross connecting issues linked to this now, the catalyst is Greece which has a runaway unserviceable debt and no-one but themselves can stop it. The sooner the Germans realise that nothing can fix this other than Greece doing a fiscal reboot...with losses for others, yes--..In the meantime the UK is contributing to the EU black hole, draining our resources as part of the general bailout fund and that has is not seen to be working. The sooner we exit from participating in such a ludicrous ponzi scheme, the better.
We wait and wait till Greece fails, the UK will only be asked to contribute more than it is now. ....and there's more countries with problems.
Which makes one wonder how socialist Hollande will get'away by protecting his nations banks from the massive scale of Greek debt losses, by experimenting with his country by punitive taxation on a grand scale. It won't work.
The UK's hesitance raises the stakes for both Germany & France to deal with Greece which they can't. Good luck both, it's your call, count me out.
Cameron, Soon hoedown to stab the EU where it hurts.
parliamentary information office
What tha article fails to point out is tha it makes no difference whatsoever if Cameron does veto the budget. The EU does no stop spending whether it has an agreed budget or not.
It is utterly ridiculous to suggest that the British people would only accept a cut in spending. What they want is a vote on whether to spend any money at all. We want a referendum on the EU. Having our people give any of our money away isn't acceptable.
Everybody seems to miss the obvious: this is a win for David Cameron! No, this is not a nonsensical statement: thanks to this vote, he can now go to Brussels and say 'I tried, but the UK Parliament did not agree!', exactly what he wanted to happen. Remember: no three line whip for this vote, oh no, just a tepid equivalent of 'we would like you to vote with the Government'.
parliamentary information office
There are so many cross connecting issues linked to this now, the catalyst is Greece which has a runaway unserviceable debt and no-one but themselves can stop it. The sooner the Germans realise that nothing can fix this other than Greece doing a fiscal reboot...with losses for others, yes--..In the meantime the UK is contributing to the EU black hole, draining our resources as part of the general bailout fund and that has is not seen to be working. The sooner we exit from participating in such a ludicrous ponzi scheme, the better.
We wait and wait till Greece fails, the UK will only be asked to contribute more than it is now. ....and there's more countries with problems.
Which makes one wonder how socialist Hollande will get'away by protecting his nations banks from the massive scale of Greek debt losses, by experimenting with his country by punitive taxation on a grand scale. It won't work.
The UK's hesitance raises the stakes for both Germany & France to deal with Greece which they can't. Good luck both, it's your call, count me out.
Cameron, Soon hoedown to stab the EU where it hurts.
parliamentary information office
What tha article fails to point out is tha it makes no difference whatsoever if Cameron does veto the budget. The EU does no stop spending whether it has an agreed budget or not.
It is utterly ridiculous to suggest that the British people would only accept a cut in spending. What they want is a vote on whether to spend any money at all. We want a referendum on the EU. Having our people give any of our money away isn't acceptable.
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