Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Want to see the wishes of 60% of the UK represented at the EU .
Watch Nigel Farage at the E.U. Parliament yesterday, u-tube or the UKIP website. In two minutes flat you will understand what is rotten at the heart of the E.U. The interesting thing is that no-one offered an alternative argument, funny that don't you think. > But despite all this E.U. loving Labour won Corby -WHY ?
Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Stop using the veto word - you are beginning to sound shrill.
Try this
"To justify to the UK people that our huge financial commitment to the EU -with no valuable return - is a good thing - I have decided this morning, that we must approach this problem on a purely democratic route.
In May 2o13 Her Majesty's Government will hold a full Referendum on the subject of whether the people of the UK wish to remain in the Political EU.
This will clear up any misunderstandings about every EU related matter.
In fact because there are so many millions of people in the EU who are also not sure of the direction and costs of the EU - may I recommend that such a Referendum is held in every country.
Also - unlike the last times - when the EU Commission ignored or quashed the result of the Referendum -this time when the people have 'spoken' - the way ahead will be much clearer."
There now - isn't that being positive?
Watch Nigel Farage at the E.U. Parliament yesterday, u-tube or the UKIP website. In two minutes flat you will understand what is rotten at the heart of the E.U. The interesting thing is that no-one offered an alternative argument, funny that don't you think. > But despite all this E.U. loving Labour won Corby -WHY ?
Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Stop using the veto word - you are beginning to sound shrill.
Try this
"To justify to the UK people that our huge financial commitment to the EU -with no valuable return - is a good thing - I have decided this morning, that we must approach this problem on a purely democratic route.
In May 2o13 Her Majesty's Government will hold a full Referendum on the subject of whether the people of the UK wish to remain in the Political EU.
This will clear up any misunderstandings about every EU related matter.
In fact because there are so many millions of people in the EU who are also not sure of the direction and costs of the EU - may I recommend that such a Referendum is held in every country.
Also - unlike the last times - when the EU Commission ignored or quashed the result of the Referendum -this time when the people have 'spoken' - the way ahead will be much clearer."
There now - isn't that being positive?