
Thursday, 22 November 2012

Budget Information

Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Want to see the wishes of 60% of the UK represented at the EU .
Watch Nigel Farage at the E.U. Parliament yesterday, u-tube or the UKIP website. In two minutes flat you will understand what is rotten at the heart of the E.U.  The interesting thing is that no-one offered an alternative argument, funny that don't you think. > But despite all this E.U. loving Labour won Corby -WHY ?

Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Stop using the veto word - you are beginning to sound shrill.

Try this

"To justify to the UK people that our huge financial commitment to the EU -with no valuable return - is a good thing - I have decided this morning, that we must approach this problem on a purely democratic route.

In May 2o13 Her Majesty's Government will hold a full Referendum on the subject of whether the people of the UK wish to remain in the Political EU.

This will clear up any misunderstandings about every EU related matter.
In fact because there are so many millions of people in the EU who are also not sure of the direction and costs of the EU - may I recommend that such a Referendum is held in every country.

Also - unlike the last times - when the EU Commission ignored or quashed the result of the Referendum -this time when the people have 'spoken' - the way ahead will be much clearer."

There now - isn't that being positive?

Saturday, 17 November 2012

Parliamentary Information Office 2012 Updates

Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Only two stand-up comedians? He has 352 behind him on the NuLab backbenches. The Coalition has even more hence their majority. None of 'em stand-up well though. Also, this is no way to refer to Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper even in the DT. 

Parliamentary Information Office 2012:  This comes as no surprise. The marxist dumbo hasn't an original thought in his head.
Watching him performing is like hearing a child coming home from 'first day at school' with his first joke.
Have you heard the one about the empty match box?
There's nothing in it Ha Ha Ha.  
What I'd really like to know is; who is his voice coach? 
The equally useless idiot who is trying, and failing to teach him 'ordinary person's' glotal speech . innit!
Whatever he's paying him; he should ask for his money back.

Parliamentary Information Office 2012: One champagne socialist taking advice from two others....

Parliamentary Information Office 2012:  Nothing new, Boris Johnson's sketch writer was interviewed on TV a  few months ago.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Significant News

parliamentary information office:
maintenance of the enduring greatness of Britain and her Empire and the
historical continuity of her island life ."
But what is the present reality? The mantle of greatness no longer sits on our shoulders and we have planted seeds of change in the English garden that will inevitably threaten the second. And by the way, Charles, do take a look at Harrod's biography of Cherwell, Churchill's wizard,  to find out what that unpleasant but highly intelligent man considered to be the most significant event of his age.

parliamentary information office:
Good review and introduction by Charles Moore. This book  is really about managing the pease Cold War in the post-World War II era, written by David Dilks. It all dealt with how Winston Churchill managed the relationship with all these allied leaders in the war period, and, then, after the wa. which evolved into Cold War with the Soviet Union and Eastern-Bloc nations that reverted to communism.

Here, some allies or former allies became rivals, like Gen.
Charles deGaulle whose relationship with Churchill boiled down to near hostility. But, this contrated with affection for the US
President Franklyn D. Roosevelt with whom he signed the
Atlantic Charter or Atlantic Declaration in 1941--a treaty that
foreshadowed the United Nations that guaranteed, respected
and promoted self-determination for all peoples as an inherent

One finds little orno  friction between Churchill and Dwight
Eisenhower when he later became US President. This is because
after all, Gen. Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander of the
Allied Forces who executed World War II hand in hand and face to face with Winston Churchill: All from Great Britain. So, from
the White House as president, the interpersonal relationship with Churchill continued.

But, the most caustic and irritating of these relationship as
Dilks would observe would be that between Churchill  and Joseph Stalin of Soviet Union. That would be one of the
greatest betrayal in modern history. Here were two great
leaders who planned and fought together as allies, and, later,
after the war, the iron curtain of communism, descended
upon Europe.

parliamentary information office:

How times change. Churchill's views on immigration and Islam would bar him from being a member of any mainstream party in today's PC world. Only the likes of the BNP would dare to have a man with his outspoken "racist" and "slamophobic" views as a member these days.

parliamentary information office:
"They show a leader governing, and thinking as he does so." Those were the days! What would Churchill have made of our cowering to that most abject of European capitals, Brussels?

parliamentary information office

Saturday, 10 November 2012

Discussion on Free Press

parliamentary information office: The modern politician is a career politician.  Most have never had a "real job" outside the Westminster bubble.  They rely on patronage for their advancement in their parliamentary careers.   What they don't want is unwanted attention into their activities.

They do not want their incompetence, hypocricy and downright lies exposed.  They would prefer to throw the press, and the great unwashed, a few crumbs they can feed on and that would be it.

The phone hacking scandal was of course beyond the pale and I dare say, the culprits will pay the price, but....

Are we really going to sleepwalk into a scenario where politicians, the very wealthy and the famous can have their cake and eat it?

Are we going to allow ourselves to be railroaded into the dark, literally, by a succession of charlatans and sharks who, cynically, claim to have the public's interests at heart?

Do we really want a gaggle of so called luvvies being able to use the press at their convenience?   The sight of a few of them in Parliament bemoaning their lot is quite nauseating.

The expenses scandal was the result of a free press, which despite opposition from some very powerful quarters, managed to unearth the horrible truth.   Yet, how many of us really think justice was done here?  How many of us think an awful many more of these cheats and thieves should have been prosecuted properly?   An example of the great and the good regulating themselves.  Just imagine a shackled press trying to expose this scandalous behaviour.

Be very careful and be very frightened.   We are slowly being lead into a totalitarian policestate if we are not very vigilant.  

parliamentary information office: I know the press can be venal, and the left wing papers downright treasonous and corrosive to society. And to a fairly large extent the press is already a pillar of the global establishment.

But the true aim of leveson is total control of the press and the internet by the "state". Control of the press is part of an agenda. A global agenda. A treasonous conspiracy carried out by our politicians and civil servants to form a global government.

Politicians with the morals of paedophiles, and apparently some who actually are. These men can be bribed or blackmailed. Or else they are too thick to see the big picture.

Before the rich men who own our politicians across the world can continue their agenda of a New World Order, they need to get the press tightly under their control.

The big power grab is coming. The global police state.

parliamentary information office: Make injunctions for the rich and powerful more difficult to obtain but at the same time make the penalties for falsification, libel and malicious publication draconian.

Take the case of Lord McAlpine, he should be able to go to court and hit the papers and the TV very hard. A small apology at the bottom of a column on page seven should not let the papers off the hook.

If the fact is a fact let it be published. If it is found to be a lie make the journalist/writer personally liable as well as the employer/publisher.

Apart from that let the press be free to publish.

parliamentary information office: I think, like many similar pieces around the UK press, this article is glossing over the reasons why the issue of statutory regulation is even on the menu in the first place.

The press of the UK has been shown over the course of Leveson to serially break literal and moral rules and to have been involved in cosy mutually beneficial relationships with other parts of the UK establishment that are anything but in the 'public interest'.

My heart really does go out to honest seekers of truth but one only has to look at the opinion columns in any paper from Guardian to this very paper to see that many supposed journalists are not trying to show us the truth but to sell us the chosen viewpoint of their editorial board. Perhaps not in as blatant and offensive way as happens in some other nations but it is hard to find honest reporting.

What is, perhaps, worse is the replacement of serious news reporting with the relentless quest for what amounts to little more than gossip. While this is more true of red tops I say this while seeing what Bradley Wiggins wife said on Twitter presented as the 4th story on the front page even here.

I do fear that Leveson and the response risks removing something vital for a democracy but unless all the press stop making excuses and act to police their own sector what real option does a government have in order to protect innocent members of the public from abuse?

If it was any other profession but your own the press would be leading the charge on regulation....

More awaited news on parliamentary information office.

Wednesday, 7 November 2012

Talks on Budget

parliamentary information office: The overall impression from what I have read is that people just don't trust our leaders. Seeing that the whole EU project was dumped on the British people after lies and deception has been the path to the creation of this corrupt edifice where one year the EU auditors confirmed that up to 95% of the EU budget was unaccounted for and they now say its worse than that and as a direct consequence refused for the 18th year to sign off the books. Why are we negotiating to pay them a penny for?These PMs must approve of this situation. Didn't we have the expenses scandal where I think they found a million pounds in all. Chicken feed to the trillions missing in the EU. The EU is costing this nation totally over £200 billion a year. Ad it up yourself.. over 50 billion deficit, £140 billion in additional red tape, food and manufacturing costs, £17 billion in membership fees. Plus the rest on top of this. I say this because they negotiate our trade deals. With ineptness of all other matters no wonder the EU is in a headlong decline. Besides being only a trading body, who gave them permission to interfere with our laws, take over our trade, interfere on so many levels and have an EU police force that like Nazis have come into Britain and removed over a thousand people without reference to our courts. By 2014 this blog will be illegal. In other words laws have been passed and come into effect in 2014 to prevent us criticising the EU. Is this what The RT Hon D Cameron PM is waiting for? We need a referendum prior to the next Election for these reasons otherwise it will be illegal to criticise the EU. According to Biblical prophecy we will either leave or be thrown out. The German lead EU will have ten core members that has already been formed. Many Bible students are asking where is Britain and America in all this. You can see in Daniel, Ezekiel and many other places in the Bible that both nations have collapsed. There are certain signs in the Sun Moon and Stars mentioned that occur at the end of the Tribulation. Double Red moons a blackened sun the double Red moons again all occurring on the Biblical feast days.

parliamentary information office: He's only going for a freeze for gods sake. Every government department has seen 20% cuts, the army has been turned into a militia, and the prat thinks its tough to ask for a freeze. Last year some youth got jailed for desecrating the cenotaph, yet this Sunday Cameron will do the same, and once again get away with it. If there was any justice, one of the old and bold would carry out a citizens arrest as he lays his taxpayer funded wreath.

parliamentary information office: Green doesnt suit you Dave ! Pick out the more yellowy color from the garish sash and you`ll be closer to the mark. Getting tough on the EU over a cosy dinner with Merkel ? it`ll take a "merikel" to get her to even noddingly, grudgingly agree to anything even though theres a chunk of the German electorate getting more and more dissolusioned with the way the EU is being run and how much money it is both costing and being wasted or just plain can`t be accounted for. As youve found and as we get sick of hearing, (your) talk is very cheap. High on bluster very short on results. Where do the people who say the UK electorate dont want a referendum on in/out of the EU get their information from ? Just because here in the UK we`re more disposed to soak it up before exploding, the groundswell amongst voters as expressed in various polls around the country is for a referendum to vote ourselves out of the clutches of the EU beaurocrats, the seemingly endless spouting of inane laws we lemming like follow, not to begin to mention the harrowing cost of continued membership. Using veto`s and pontificating about how he`ll stop this and demand that is just so much hot air, posturing for posturings sake, eventually he`ll see how futile it all is and hopefully see some sense and do what he was elected to do, namely what he promised the electorate that voted him in. Go back and check out just exactly what you promised against what you`ve so far delivered, how you`ve done what you want and how much you`ve cast aside, put on the back burner, or just plain done a u-turn on and decide whether you have done a good enough job to be allowed to continue after 2015.

parliamentary information office: All wind and water: another 'U' turn in the offing? He's weak...not tough. Ask for the EU accounts for the last 16 years Dave. NO! I thought not. Reading what he says, there's no other word for it except 'deluded'. Strong words but no follow through - no action. 'Incensed, vigour, completely ludicrous, robust, strong, powerful, tough approach: in a word, capitulation. What he thinks is in Britain's interest is not what the majority of the British people believe is in Britain's interest.

Parliamentary Information Office shows value of the publication related to the Parliament.

Sunday, 4 November 2012

Trading Relationship

parliamentary information office: "The Work and Pensions Secretary insisted the Prime Minister deserved "credit"
for his tough stance on the EU budget and repatriating powers."

Oh, he's got a "tough stance", alright - till the EU cracks the whip. Then he rolls over and waves his legs in the air. Go on, IDS - tell us what powers he's repatriated? As for the EU budget, I can't keep up with the number of times he's changed his position on that in the last few days.

"He also confirmed that Mr Cameron would pledge a referendum on Britain's
relationship with the EU - saying it was just a matter of "when and on what"."

Oh, sure - like his 'cast iron promise' and 'personal guarantee' of a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon EU Constitution, V2.0? I watched the full video of the speech where he first made that promise - and, contrary to what a lot of his apologists later said, there were NO provisos in it about "unless the Treaty has been ratified". It was straight promise, which he broke.

As to "when, and on what" - why don't you admit it, IDS; Cameron is as slippery as a wet, soapy baby. He'll promise this, promise that, change his wording every hour, on the hour - but it will always be, "Not just yet; the time isn't quite right", etc, etc, etc.

If this true "heir to Blair" ever gets knighted, his coat of arms should be a boot, kicking a tin can, surmounted by two eels, rampant, and a sloth, couchant.

Hague is no better. Remember his promise, in the run-up to the election? "If the Treaty has been ratified, we won't leave it at that." Another promise, also broken.

parliamentary information office: Lets cut the crap. What do these institutionalized ghetto abused boarding school boys know about anything outside their little sheltered bubble? We've given them one last hurray now lets consign these eton nobodies to the scrapheap of history where they belong.

Clueless, hopeless, corrupt, arrogant cling on's to what has made the rest of the world despise us for the last 200 years. Good bye and good riddance. Pathetic.

parliamentary information office: We really do need to commit ourselves far more to the EU.

The more we put in the more we will get out.

It is only by committing ourselves that we will be able to dictate the agenda and turn the EU into something that is much more fit for purpose.

parliamentary information office: This a disgusting spectacle. The Tories (once the great historic party of Britain) are selling Britain out to Brussels with no chance of a return to our homeland in political terms. We are being spun into oblivion in order to satisfy the cravings of the Tory elite for positions of power in Brussels.

UKIP is now the only party with a realistic plan to wrest control back.

See valuable parliamentary news on parliamentary information office.

Saturday, 3 November 2012

Expenses Scandal Information

parliamentary information office: It really is beyond all reason that individuals like this are still roaming free. He has clearly engaged in premeditated fraudulent behaviour and has been found out. Why is he not prosecuted, made to repay all of his ill-gotten gains and incarcerated?

The same goes for all of the rest of them, including those who are renting their houses to each other and then claiming the rent as an expense.

parliamentary information office: The Standards and Privileges Committee

Standards and Privileges are two words that should not be juxtaposed, as if they belong together.   

parliamentary information office: This must be the most inadequate punishment imaginable. Could the committee members be concerned that some of their own affairs might at some time in the future come under scrutiny?

parliamentary information office: The thing that peeves me off is I just got an ear bashing on this and tbh I don't care anymore. The argument presented was it was because of the BNP???? Then I had to explain a simple principle that if applied to government and all the political would prevent all these kinds of issues period.

We need elected representatives that the current lost despise, UKIP, BNP, it does not matter who. Then all those that are currently  committing criminal behaviour will be revealed and can be got rid of. If somebody hates you then it is rather nice as they are not then your friends so wrongdoing can be revealed for revenge.

Currently it does not work when all the LIBLABCON representative are equally crooked. Put a cat amongst the pigeons and lets see how many of them can truly be revealed for what they are.

If you ain't done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear.

Hence the establishment fears the likes of UKIP and the BNP because they are.

Parliament Information - parliamentary information office

Friday, 2 November 2012

Smart Politician Information

parliamentary information office: New Labour claiming that they had "put an end to boom and bust" just before the financial crisis started.

parliamentary information office: Like many of the things Johnson is called out for in the Guardian, this makes me like him even more.

parliamentary information office: I don't really see what Boris Johnson did wrong, the people heckling him weren't making any salient points, they were just childishly yelling obscenities.

Why should he be expected to tolerate mindless verbal abuse from complete strangers?

parliamentary information office: Hugh, I'm not sure why you think this was a gaffe. It's exactly within character, and will be seen as a positive by his target audience, and is unlikely to be seen as a negative in the wider public, except by that small sub-section who follow politician's round chanting "tory scum", and let's face it, they're never going to vote for him anyway.


Thursday, 1 November 2012

Speech for the Nation

parliamentary information office

Everybody seems to miss the obvious: this is a win for David Cameron! No, this is not a nonsensical statement: thanks to this vote, he can now go to Brussels and say 'I tried, but the UK Parliament did not agree!', exactly what he wanted to happen. Remember: no three line whip for this vote, oh no, just a tepid equivalent of 'we would like you to vote with the Government'.

parliamentary information office

There are so many cross connecting issues linked to this now, the catalyst is Greece which has a runaway unserviceable debt and no-one but themselves can stop it. The sooner the Germans realise that nothing can fix this other than Greece doing a fiscal reboot...with losses for others, yes--..In the meantime the UK is contributing to the EU black hole, draining our resources as part of the general bailout fund and that has is not seen to be working. The sooner we exit from participating in such a ludicrous ponzi scheme, the better.
We wait and wait till Greece fails, the UK will only be asked to contribute more than it is now. ....and there's more countries with problems.
 Which makes one wonder how socialist Hollande will get'away by protecting his nations banks from the massive scale of Greek debt losses, by experimenting with his country by punitive taxation on a grand scale. It won't work.

 The UK's hesitance raises the stakes for both Germany & France to deal with Greece which they can't. Good luck both, it's your call, count me out.

Cameron, Soon hoedown to stab the EU where it hurts.

parliamentary information office

What tha article fails to point out is tha it makes no difference whatsoever if Cameron does veto the budget. The EU does no stop spending whether it has an agreed budget or not.

It is utterly ridiculous to suggest that the British people would only accept a cut in spending. What they want is a vote on whether to spend any money at all. We want a referendum on the EU. Having our people give any of our money away isn't acceptable.

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