
Monday, 31 December 2012

Modernisation Campaign

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: The reason voters are moving to UKIP is that their policies are based on simple common sense. They are not left or right policies, they are based on objectivity and the gut feeling of many who care about their country and who feel that all logic has been turned on its head.

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Standing on the threshold of senility and staring into the abyss of oblivion or eternity, I have a question which has yet to be answered. Labour changed the political climate, rather than the weather.

parliamentary information office is better resource to know more

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

About Pensioners

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: They need to steal our money to fund our takeover by the EUSSR; to feed, clothe, house and provide benefits for millions of illegal immigrants; to continue to provide massive subsidies to foreign power companies for wind farms; to fund Poodle Wars on behalf of their masters in Washington; to continue to provide foreign aid to countries such as Pakistan, India and Argentina; to prop up and subsidize their corporate friends; and to continue to provide high salaries, over-generous pensions and expenses to the crooks, liars, thieves and charlatans at Westminster.

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Well somebody has to pay for the banking fiasco, government failures, regulatory failures and so on. Clearly government ministers cannot be held responsible neither should bankers or our regulators otherwise they  might end up poor like the rest of us so who better than the pensioners who are going to die soon anyway?

See useful discussion at parliamentary information office

Monday, 24 December 2012

Wind Farm Numbers

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Put some turbines around Edinburgh and on Carlton Hil and Arthur in Edinburgh . No different to what is happening whit the desecration of other landscape areas of Scotland at astronomical cost which the entire UK population is being left to pay for , driving many into fuel poverty . Already I am paying over £100 a year more on my electricity bill . Industry and commerce are sharing these type of costs making them uncompetitive . Steel for the new Forth Bridge coming from China for example and produced by electricity from coal .
The life of old fashioned necular power stations in Scotland Tranent and Hunterston has been sanctioned for some 20 years extension as an alternative to building new with improved safety standards and less necular waste as they would be more efficient We would have more power for less waste and greater safety , less radiation. Why is this being sanctioned because believe it or not when the wind doesn't blow which happens from time to time turbine output is ZERO .
Turbines are less than 30 percent efficient which is proven fact. Where in this day and age are we to generate Electricity with a generator of this efficiency the output of which falls of exponentially i e. when wind speed is reduced by a quarter power output falls by two thirds .

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Why should the councils have to know this information; if it was housing they would probably not know either as house builders may have planning permission but no t yet started building or applied for the necessary building warrants.
Could the conservative party not contact the power companies for this information, oh but that might mean these private companies having to spend money and resources replying if they could be bothered; much easier to ask the councils and they have to respond at the expense of the public purse.

Online reviews updates at parliamentary information office

Thursday, 20 December 2012

About Tax

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012:  I've got a PA to a council leader next door.
2 new German cars.
New conservatory
New garden office
3 weeks in Caribean
Bought new house and renting old one.
All this year.

I have told both my children to get a job in the Public sector if at all possible.

I would like to pay my council tax by allocation ie pay the full amount but be allowed to state which council "service"it goes to.

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012:  Get rid of the funded local authority gold plated pension scheme.
That would cut council tax by 20% imediately.
At a time of national hardship it is unacceptable that council employees are overpaid and overpensioned.

parliamentary information office articles shows more topics

Tuesday, 18 December 2012

Revenue and Customs

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Try calling them from abroad on their outside the UK number to ask for pension information or a pension forecast. Impossible you may as well be asking them for the meaning of life. The DPA will not allow them to tell you anything, even when you give them your NI number.  Ive been trying for 4 years.

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: They are far too busy listening to phone calls from american multinational companies telling them what tax they are prepared to pay next year.
For the rest of the PAYE plebs you are going to be shafted every which way so what's the point. You have as much chance of dodging tax as you do of electing a honest MP.

Quick views to the parliamentary information office articles

Monday, 17 December 2012

Debt Crisis and Banking system

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: For a lot of banks, "change" meant outsourcing operations or moving them to cheaper locations, cutting back on some of the boring less profitable (traditional) services and using marketing to change the "profile" only of the risky stuff that made them all those lovely bonuses...  Most people in senior roles in banking are relationship people, not people who understand money at all.

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: "Banks still 'not fully prepared' for collapse"

I wonder exactly what they think "fuly prepared" means?

I look at this in the same way I consider those comments from people who say "why can't we be prepared for the worst snowfalls in 50 years.If Norway can do it why can't we"

The reasoning is simple.There is a cost to being "prepared" 24/7. That cost must be evaluated on the basis of probability that the event might occur.In the snow event Norway can be prepared because their climate means the probability of disruptive snowfall is high. In the UK much less so hence we should not expect to spend the same money trying to prerpare.Back to "preparing" banks for collapse. Exactly what cost should we be incurring for an event that to date has never happened in the sense this warning means? Yes,we've been well on the way to it,but it has not actually happened.

I think people are psychologically unable to let go of their fear on this issue and we are still paying heavily for that collectively.

Read other important Parliamentary Information Office articles

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Discussion on Pension Reforms

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: There seem to be a few mistakes in the article and several omissions.
 The article states there are about one million higher earners approaching retirement who can expect to receive a combined pension of £ 160 a week,1) No mention of contracted out pension which in some cases  will almost reduce the flat rate pension back to the basic pension so that there will be millions of people who will receive less than £140 per week. 2)No mention that everyone in contracted out schemes will loose their NI rebate of 1.4% and that their employer will also loose their rebate of 3.4% which might make them reduce the level of pension they receive.3)At the moment a person has to only pay into the current scheme for one year to qualify for 1/30 of basic state pension. When the flat rate scheme starts they will have to pay at least seven years National Insurance which will give them 7/30 of basic state pension so anyone who pays less than 7 years NI will not receive any pension.4) At the moment people can inherit at least 50% of their spouse/partners state second pension when they die. I believe this will stop when the flat rate pension starts.5)The figure of £160 is a rather low for high earners as it is possible to have a total pension up to about £269 when adding together basic state pension,state second pension and contracted out pension .6)The pension of £20 quoted by Steve Webb is to low as it could be anything up about £130 less when they retire.

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: We're always being told that NI is a 'pay as you go system' - I guess the difference now is that 'you pay' and then the Govt 'tells you where to go' when it's time for them to pay out!

Other topic review at parliamentary information office.

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Information Shared at Parliamentary Information Office 2012

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: The Parliamentary Yearbook is a handsome document and we are very happy with our contribution to it. I found the depth of information about developments in the health sector and the incisiveness of the opinion and comments expressed extremely useful and the feed-back I received enabled us to form key new business contacts.

Online Parliamentary Information Office 2012: My college appeared in the further education report in the Parliamentary Yearbook. The editorial piece appeared online and in print and I was very pleased with the response we received. The link on the yearbook website has proved particularly helpful in generating new contacts and I must congratulate the publishers on a very fine publication.

Beneficial info at Parliamentary Information Office.

Monday, 10 December 2012

About Debt Crisis

Parliamentary Information Office 2012:
I'm not sure I understand why DT and many others describe "export driven economies" and "import economies" as if they are simply two ways of running an economy that could work equally well.
In my simple mind economies that export more than they import will be healthy and those that import more than they export will be sick.

Parliamentary Information Office 2012:

I think it is a perverse view to take: to put a a corrupt and vainglorious politician back in position in the hope that he will bring the house down, but that is what we hope. Put the beast down before more damage is done to ordinary people's lives — we know damned well the politicians and technocrats won't be affected by their damage.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Regeneration in the West Midlands

Supercool were commissioned by Solihull Metropolitan Borough Council’s marketing department to devise concepts, design and copywrite a series of adverts. They feature in Blake’s Parliamentary Yearbook, a publication containing information about MPs, local councils, transcripts of Parliamentary speeches, letters from leading government figures and so on. Updated annually, it’s used by top political representatives all across the UK.
Our solutions for promoting the (Solihull) council’s regeneration strategies and procurement processes were extremely well received.

Beneficial information at Parliamentary Information Office Online and Parliamentary Yearbook

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

News About Tax on Pensions

Parliamentary Information Office 2012: Nothing is safe in the current circumstances.  Money printing and fiscal deficits for decades have brought us to where we are now.  The redistribution of wealth has already happened.  Now is simply the accounting phase.

Parliamentary Information Office 2012: The gravity of the headline suggests that this is the only government commitment that has been reneged on. It is only one - and not a particularly important one at that. We don't need "experts" to recognise that.

Parliamentary Information Office News

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Info on Cut Price Mortgage Deal

Parliamentary Information Office 2012: The elephant in the room.
For many, many decades not nearly enough
houses were built to meet UK demand.
Result?  Too much national capital tied up in
When are UK govts going to wake up and stimulate
the building of many more houses per year?

Parliamentary Information Office 2012: A final desperate attempt by the BoE to keep inflated the UK house price bubble.  You may as well let house prices collapse & then we can talk about recovery but that we just be too painful.